
Thursday, 8 October 2015


I knew it and I should’ve seen it coming. Remember the last time when I said that I’m not doing both Sirih Dara and Junjung? Boy, I was wrong. I thought my parents were better than this, but no, they insist. I obviously argued and they were like, “tak nak takpe, aku cakap aje” with that kind of super disappointing tone. I mean come on lah, you’ve got to support me (morally) not bring it down. And knowing how upset my mother is coz I never listen to her, I gave in. I’m doing it and it has to be DIY-ed. Out of budget is one thing, but the vendor I want to sign on is already fully booked. So might as well, do it myself.
And then after that drama, another drama about the no of dulangs or rather what we’re giving to each other. Both of us have already decided on 3 and that is –
1) Ring + Duit Hantaran(his)
2) Al Quran + Sejadah
3) Tailored Baju or Kain
Dah kirakan ok lah tu. Ni tak. “Abeh tkde ke manis-manisan, cake ke?” Seriously?!?! Asdfghjkl
I don’t even want to start on this coz there is something much more important that is bugging me all these while. It stresses me out like you can never imagine. I don’t know why but it just does. Both play a huge role in my wedding and I can never let it screw anything up. For the longest time I’ve been wanting to meet my vendor for both Catering and Décor. Both of it comes from one vendor which is great! So I kept bugging my fiancé to make an appointment with them coz he handles the décor and catering part and I’ve yet to get a fixed date for the appointment. There’s like endless of questions and doubts and enquiries and it bugs me out till I get an answer for all of it. Like, can I get an extra table for the door gifts coz it’s a combined wedding and we cannot share a table. Oh no no. Danger, Berbahaya. Dah lah combine wedding, tkkn nak combine meja berkat pulak kan. Melampau tu kak oi. Not a risk I’m willing to take. Maybe also another table for candy corner if I decided to have it. Will there be kendarats? What time will the food be ready? Can we (parents) see the venue the day before during their set up? Is it safe if we leave the door gifts the day before? And the list never ends. I should have definitely do my research before and ask them during the very last appointment but I did not. Ugh whyyyyy.. BTBs, please prepare a list of questions whenever you are setting up an appointment before you engage any vendor. Don’t be like me. Main dengar aje, ah ye oh ye ke then terus skrg panic macam orang tak betul. Ugh. Please vendor, I have trust in you, please don’t let me down. Just reply us already and fix the appointment date.

Let's jump into a more happier note. Already fix an appointment with my bridal and by that time my customized nikah baju will be ready for fitting. Heh heh heh. Excited sangat2 ni (eventhough it is not 100% completed) still! Excited please!
Henna is booked! Yay! Cards done! Yay! Car booked! Yay!
Tmr off to ROMM interview! Yay!
OMG. 107 days left.

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