
Monday, 28 December 2015


T W E N T Y - S EVEN  more days guyssss.... O-M-G
Can you believe it that it's only 27 days away till I'm someone's wife. I don't think I can ever get used to be called that. hahaha, opps, sorry fiancé.
It's been a hectic few months/weeks/days. When did I last blog? hmmm, somewhere in October, wait I check....... yep. October, 90 days away, that's like 64 days gone! Cepat pe!
So, fiancé and I have decided not to meet for the last 26 days (should have been 30 but oh wells). Pantang larang lah kononnye tapi yang ni kita sendiri yang buat. Short and simple. No meet ups. So we will miss each other more. Actually kan, dah biasa pun tau tak jumpa die. Remember when he left" me for 3 months? tu lagi teruk beb. Dapat whatsapp/whatsapp call/Skype call and the calls sometimes annoying nak mati coz connection lembab. so that one lagi teruk than this 26 days.
Most of the things is settled, just a few more things that I keep on procrastinate. you know, I rather watch my youtube videos than doing and thinking about wedding. hahaha. really. actually I keep seeing UK youtuber hauls so I know what to buy when I'm there! heh heh. Honeymoon lagi exciting dari wedding seh. kan kan kan.
Gift Trays - finishing up the paintings and finally visualize the whole concept I've been keeping in the back of my mind.
Wedding Cake - I think this is the most nerve-wrecking task. as you all know, I'm baking my own wedding cake. It's exciting but at the same time I keep worrying it will not turn out that well. I better have lower expectations of my own capability, no?
Box for Duit Salam - I know I can just grab A3 boxes at work and just wrap it with wrapping paper, but I choose not to coz mcm tkde standard. hahaha. Box pun kena ada standard eh? YA. I merepek like that. I have something in mind already. We shall see.
Bunga Rampai Holder - His side = done. He very senang coz he not leceh like me. Once again, I tk suka typical melayu kind of bunga rampai holders, so I cari sendiri what I want.
Itinerary - Done, left with few more touching up and ready to sent to vendors.
Candy Corner - Status : Pending
Photobooth - I have yet to check out the place again (ugh, I am hopeless). Need to check again where is the place so I could plan the whole photobooth area.
Bridesmaids - I have THREE! Planning of meeting the three of them soonest to discuss the details and I'm thinking of doing a thank you box for them; basic essentials for that day and some snacks! Maybe I should do something similar for the bestmans too.
Room - Clearing up bit by bit and it's getting there! Also, I can't believe the amount of clothes that we threw away (ok, donated). seriously like a lot. And most of the jeans I can't fit anymore! I just bought them last year and I'm the kind of person who can wear the jeans for years. so this just proves another point. I really did gain. Don't even mention the belly fat. nauzubilllahminzalik. memang dah confirm plus chop kena pakai corset. buruk kan, orang kurus tapi perut boncit. hahahahahaha.....
I seriously can't believe it that is only a matter of days till a change of status. I keep thinking to myself, what kind of a wife will I be? Am I going to be the same Fiqah or a changed Fiqah. I never know. Time will pass and I guess people change as it pass by. I might be a better version of the old Fiqah (Insyallah, ameen).
I keep thinking to myself how will I be at someone else's house? How will I survive in a different household? It's never the same. One thing for sure, I will miss my nenek and atuk more than ever. I lived with them my whole life and to think that I will be seeing them every once a week... it's kinda heart-breaking.
but hey, a new life = a new chapter right? Insyallah I will be fine, Insyallah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on ur big day!! :)